Student Life
Clubs & Activities

Special Spaces Club

Mission Statement: To provide children with cancer a special space where they can not only sleep, relax, and recover, but also play and enjoy just being a kid, through the raising of funds and support from the Benet community. 

Club Description: Benet Special Spaces serves its members and the Benet community by providing an opportunity to give back and support local children with cancer. The Benet Special Spaces club works closely with LIFT to increase our impact in the surrounding community and to embody what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ on Earth. Benet Special Spaces also offers service hours to members who attend fundraising and room building events. 

Meeting Time and Location: Mr. Fitz’s room before school 

Moderator and Email: Mr. Fitz,

Student Leaders: Quinn Knox (President) and Sarah Mathew (VP)

Method of Communication to Members: Email and announcement 