Student Life
Clubs & Activities

National Honors Society

The NHS is a national organization which recognizes and promotes the following four characteristics among its members:  Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Students must apply to the National Honor Society. A cumulative, weighted, all-subject GPA of 88.00 or better and a conduct grade of 88 or better is required for membership in the  Benet Chapter of NHS. In addition, a minimum of 12-15 Benet-sponsored service hours are required for sophomore applicants, and a minimum of 18-21 Benet-sponsored hours are required for junior applicants. Service hours  toward the application can start during your freshman year! Applications can be printed from the Benet NHS Edline page starting February 1st of the year you wish to apply (sophomore or junior year). Once inducted into the NHS, meetings for all active members are mandatory.  

Meetings: The first Wednesday of each month at 7:10 a.m.  
Location: Alumni Gymnasium