Student Life
Clubs & Activities

Benet Herald

The Benet Herald is a student written, edited and run, adult moderated, school newspaper. The Benet Herald provides students with journalism aspirations the opportunity to write and research topics to inform the community. The Benet Herald is printed (twice a year) and online newspaper (throughout the year) for Benet Academy. The articles, pictures, and layout are produced by our student staff. Editors/Board Members meet weekly for brainstorming sessions and article assignments during the F2 period. Editors oversee, collect, and edit articles. Any  student may sign up to be a writer for any section of the newspaper. Students select an article from a predetermined  list created by the editors. Writers can contribute to each issue, OR students can write occasionally as their schedule allows.  

Meetings: Weekly section editors’ meeting, students sign up at the beginning of each semester to write for a section
Location: St Joseph Conference Room  
Communication: Through daily announcements, email, Google Classroom, and Remind app 
Moderator: Mr. Grigas