Student Life
Clubs & Activities


Mission Statement: Marians: Celebrating women who love and serve God. Marians is intended for Benet girls of all grades to grow deeper in faith, discuss female empowerment in a Catholic context, perform a variety of service opportunities to help others, and create a sisterhood among its members. 

Club Description: Marians is an all-female prayer, service, and discussion group. Marians provides opportunities for Benet girls to grow deeply in faith, perform service, and foster a spirit of community among members. Marians provides Benet girls with opportunities to help others (making cards for the elderly, giving aid to women in need, service trips to make care packages for the homeless). One specific event that we have already discussed is partnering with a local parish that is connected with the PADS organization to help the homeless. Service opportunities such as this will be a major component of Marians. Marians also provides girls with a safe space where they can discuss faith and life with one another. We want to celebrate women, and explore how we can emulate Mary in our daily lives. As Mary said “yes” to God’s call for her, we also should say “yes” to God’s call for us.

Meeting Time and Location: 8:30-9am late start Thursdays in J307 (Mr. Bremner’s room)

Moderator and Email: Mrs. Terry Nadolski,

Student Leaders: Erin Tribe,

Method of Communication to Members: Emails, announcements, Marians Instagram (@benetmarians)