Mission Statement: “To intervene directly in the intellectual growth of Benet Academy students through participation in academic quizzing competitions, hosting a supportive culture of academic knowledge and understanding, involvement in the lives of future Benet Academy graduates through the Junior High Scholastic Bowl Program, and act as a forum for student engagement in the academic rigor of this school.”
Club Description: Through Benet Academy Scholastic Bowl, students are able to engage with academic content in a way that is otherwise not felt at this school. Scholastic Bowl promotes self-confidence by encouraging students to answer for their school. Moreover, as one of the most intellectually challenging activities that a high schooler can do in America, Scholastic Bowl allows students to engage in friendly competition while building up core strengths such as working collaboratively, working under pressure, and developing core, and oftentimes extracurricular knowledge about the world around us. Scholastic Bowl serves as a socialization outlet, with Benet Academy students communicating with those that oftentimes have like-minded interests to them. Benet also benefits from Scholastic Bowl’s presence on campus. Students are able to interact with their peers through our team members, which often contains people from numerous athletic and artistic groups across the school. Finally, Scholastic Bowl serves to further the academic nature of Benet Academy, without which this school would not be the same.
Meeting Time and Location: Tuesdays after school during the season (early September - late March), Room T114, 3:05 – 4:00.
Method of Communication to Members: Emails, Resources found on Google Classroom.