Curriculum & Departments

Religion Department

Department Summary

The Benet Academy Religion Department’s primary objective is to educate our students to be open to God’s word in their lives through study, reflection, and response to the teaching of Jesus Christ as found in the Scripture and Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. We strive to enable students to develop the capacity to make connections between faith and life in order that they may grow deeper in  relationship with God. We know that our incoming freshmen will be coming from a wide array of school and faith backgrounds, and we are excited to serve and teach all of our students. We make no assumptions about prior knowledge as we believe any student with a commitment to his or her study of the Catholic faith will experience success in the classroom. 

The Religion Department attempts to be consistent with St. Benedict's maxim "pray and work so that in everything God may be glorified." Our classes are challenging and academic in nature, as it is necessary for Benet graduates to develop enduring understandings of the truths and implications of the Catholic faith. We work alongside Campus Ministry in helping provide students with opportunities to live their faith through participation in the Sacraments and service – as knowledge alone is not enough.
The Religion Department helps our community to embrace our mission as a Catholic school by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the students entrusted to our care. By giving students an opportunity to nurture their faith through religious instruction, we enable students to grow both in their knowledge of God and also in their relationship with Him. We hope that their experience in Religion class leads them to live out their faith through the many opportunities for service and prayer that are available through Campus Ministry.

Meet the Religion Department

List of 9 items.