
School Counseling

Professional Support for Every Student

The Counseling Department offers comprehensive services to students as they enter high school. Benet provides professional support to all students throughout their four years.

Students are assigned a counselor in their freshman year, and they stay with this counselor through their junior year. Seniors are assigned to college counselors who specialize in the college search and admission process. Students begin working with their college counselor during junior year. Benet also has a social worker whom students can access to assist them with any social emotional needs. The School Social Worker enhances Benet Academy’s ability to meet its academic mission, especially where home, school, and community collaboration is the key to achieving student success.

List of 2 items.

  • Counseling Services

    • Academic, career, and personal/social emotional
    • Freshman and sophomore advisory program
      • Topics include course selection, career exploration, available resources at Benet, etc.
    • Career speaker program
    • PSAT and PreACT testing
    • Redwing Academic Center - Executive functioning skills and academic content help.
    • Individual peer tutoring arrangements available before, during, and after school
    • Consultation/Collaboration with teachers, parents, administrators, colleges, and outside professionals, as needed
    • Parent programs
    • School Counseling Newsletters
  • Social Worker Services

    • Addresses social and emotional needs in ways that improve outcomes inside and outside of school
    • Manages crises, problem-solves, and develops coping strategies
    • Collaborates with the Student Support Team, Faculty and Administration to provide extra support when needed
    • Provides therapeutic and skill-based counseling services individually and in groups
    • Works with parents to help students navigate the demands of high school
    • Assists parents in accessing community resources and mental health services
    • Coordinates the acquisition of outside evaluations and services and acts as the liaison to agencies and service providers to assist students in maintaining their academic progress while on extended leaves of absence
    • Facilitates re-integration efforts for students returning from hospital, treatment and other programs
    • Reports suspected child abuse or neglect cases, as required by statute and school policy
    • Practices confidentiality and abiding by The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, only breaking student confidentiality in cases where there are concerns regarding self-harm, harm to others, or if someone is causing harm to the student

Meet the School Counseling Team

List of 5 items.

Please feel free to contact the Counseling Center with any questions or concerns. 630-719-2792