Curriculum & Departments

Fine Arts Department

Department Summary

Over half of Benet's students are currently enrolled in one of the curricular music ensembles and/or one of our visual art classes and many more students participate in the fine arts via extra-curricular offerings such as Benet Theatre Association, Orchesis Dance Company, MUSE, Guitar Club, musical, Mass choir, Jazz Band, and Art Club.

Our graduates are consistently accepted into nationally recognized music, theatre, dance, & art programs, schools & conservatories.

Our alumni are working professionals in the arts and we are proud of their accomplishments!
The Fine Arts Department is filled with passionate artists excited to explore dance, music, theatre, and visual art through a variety of media and experiences. They support and promote each other as they grow toward achieving their dreams - whether that's finishing the next project, concert, or show; earning a dream role; or placement in the university program of their choice.

Meet the Fine Arts Department

List of 6 items.