Medication Administration Information

Administration of Medication During School Hours 

The parent should have the primary responsibility for administering medication to their student. Benet Academy recognizes there are medical conditions requiring medication administration during school hours.

No student shall possess or consume any prescription or nonprescription medication unless the completed Authorization for Administration of Medication form is on file in the nurse’s office. The form must be signed by the parent and completed by a physician prior to dispensing of any medication to the student. The nurse will review the written medication authorization and may consult with the parent, the prescribing physician and or pharmacist for additional information he/she feels necessary for safe medication administration. The nurse or school administrator retains the discretion to deny a request for medication administration. To assist in safe monitoring of side effects and or intended effects of medication the faculty and the staff may need to be informed of the medication authorization.

When a physician has determined that medication is necessary to be administered during school hours the following procedure will be followed:
  • All prescription and nonprescription medications administered during school hours require the completion of the Authorization for Administration of Medication form (or similar form) by the ordering physician and the parent.
  • Prescription medication is to be delivered to school in the original labeled container as dispensed by the pharmacy. The pharmacy container must state the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage directions for use, the name of the ordering physician, and the pharmacy name. The label must match the doctor’s order.
  • Nonprescription over the counter medication must be in the original manufactured labeled container, with dosage directions for use visible and students name on bottle.
  • All medication must be delivered to the nurse’s office (or in case of the nurse’s absence a designated administrator) as soon as the student enters the building and prior to class.

By Illinois law, the only medications a student may carry and self-administer are asthma rescue inhalers, epinephrine auto injectors for severe allergy and insulin/diabetic supplies. Benet Academy, its employees, and agents are to incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the self-administration of medications by the student.

A student may carry pharmacy prescription labeled rescue inhalers with only the parent signature on the Authorization for Administration of Medication form if a copy of the rescue inhaler prescription label is provided to the nurse. An Asthma Action Plan is requested.

Medication orders are renewed annually at the beginning of the school year, when a new medication is added or when a medication dosage has been changed.

All medications must be picked up in the nurse’s office at the end of the school year or the medication will be discarded in accordance with the State of Illinois regulations.

Tylenol or generic acetaminophen may be given only if the parent has provided permission.