List Detail

Ping Pong Club

Mission Statement: Our mission statement is to aid in the cultivation of friendships all while playing Ping Pong and having fun.

Club Description: Ping Pong Club acts as a place to hang out after school with friends before the weekend. The club strives to create a relaxing environment for those who come to play Ping Pong and those who come to hang out with friends. Members are able to make new friendships and learn new skills when it comes to Ping Pong. The club is able to cater to advanced, casual, and even players who do not care for Ping Pong by giving the members the freedom to play whenever and whomever they care to play. Lastly, a select few of students will learn how to maintain a leadership position and learn what it takes to run a club.

Meeting Time and Location: Fridays after school in SJC.

Moderator and Email: Mr. Benjamin Gensler,

Student Leaders: Michael Yep, and Benas Unguraitis,

Method of Communication to Members: Emails and Announcements