Mission Statement: To publish and disseminate positive and self-reinforcing information regarding the state of Benet Academy events, to promote worldviews which align with Benet’s key vision of “religious, intellectual and social development of its students,” to ensure openness between the parents, students, staff, board, and other key stakeholders of Benet Academy, and to act as the premier and superior forum of student expression on campus through the regular publication of both printed and electronic articles.
Club Description: Like a standard newspaper, writers contribute articles, which are then reviewed by a group of upperclassmen staff members trained and dedicated to their craft. After approval by an adult, articles are then disseminated on the Internet, in alumni newsletters such as Benet Connections, and in the Graduation Edition at the end of each school year.
Meeting Time and Location: Weekly before-school (7:20 AM) meetings on either Monday or Wednesday mornings, room M122
Method of Communication to Members: Group Emails, MyBenet Page, Remind, Google Classroom