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Saint Hildegard of Bingen Scholars is an enrichment program designed to extend the development of Science and Math excellence. 

Enriching scientific and mathematical engagement beyond the classroom encourages a deeper development of academic interests and commitment to future inquiry. Extending conversations and shared experiences allows Hildegard Scholars to connect with each other in active conversation, and in crafting a shard vision of how passion, talent, and skill intersect to inform the future. Our Benedictine heritage compels future scientists, engineers, and doctors to incorporate faith and morality in the sciences. 

Scholars must maintain a 95% weighted GPA and be enrolled in a minimum of four courses at the Honors or AP level during the regular school year. Saint Hildegard Scholars are required to take four consecutive years of Math and at least one AP Science and AP Math course before graduation.
Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was a Benedictine nun, theologian, and mystic who is recognized as a chemist, botanist and naturalist. Her attitude was a common sense notion of balance. She based her entire theology on the harmony of the created world and its relation to God. Named a Doctor of the church in 2012, Saint Hildegard inspires our scholars to seek the profound connection among math science and Faith.